18 Mary Street, Oldbridge, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, E91 W103. Come discover hidden treasures and support both the circular and local economies. #NewToYou #SecondHandNotSecondBest . Drop in today.
We acknowledge the attractiveness of fast fashion, yet we encourage you to engage in conscious shopping with us. Each acquisition here signifies a minor yet substantial stride towards diminishing fashion waste and championing a circular economy.
Clonmel is the county town and largest in Tipperary, we are situated on Mary street where an abundance of charity shops reside, ours is the largest and specialises in furniture, we have dedicated parking spaces in fron to facilitate the drop off of donations and the collection of furniture, the upper floor is dedicated to fashion and books.
Items we Sell and accept Donations of:
New to You - Fashion Rediscovered ✅ Clothing
✅ Footwear
✅ Occasionwear such as Dresses and Suits ✅ Bags and Accessories
✅ Jewelry
✅ Valuables
Preloved - Looking for a new home ✅ Small Furniture pieces ✅ Large Furniture ✅ Home wares ✅ Soft furnishings
✅ China
✅ Kitchenware
✅ Ornaments
✅ Artwork: Painting | Pictures | Posters
Oldies but Goodies - Treasures to be found ✅ Musical instruments
✅ Vinyl
✅ Books
✅ Bric a Brac
✅ Cd's
✅ DVD's
✅ Plus much more!
Items you won't find in our shops and can not accept donations off, due to health and safety reasons:
❌ Electrical items
❌ Soiled or Broken goods
❌ Mattresses
❌ Duvets or pillows
18 Mary Street, Oldbridge, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, E91 W103, Ireland